Weekend Spill: Millie von Platen Illustrates NYT’s “Summer Reading” Book Review; The Tilley Watch Online, May 30 – June 3, 2022;

Millie von Platen Illustrates NYTs “Summer Reading”Book Review

Congrats to Millie von Platen, who began contributing to The New Yorker in September of 2020, on illustrating much of the current New York Times “Summer Reading” Book Review (including, as you see here, the cover).  Terrif work!


The Tilley Watch Online, May 30 – June 3, 2022

An end of week listing of New Yorker artists contributing to newyorker.com features

The Daily Cartoon: Avi Steinberg, Brendan Loper, Ali Solomon, Brooke Bourgeois, Joseph Dottino

Daily Shouts: Ali Fitzgerald, Liana Finck, J.A.K. (with Ginny Hogan)

…and Barry Blitt’s Kvetchbook: “Is It Art Or Is It Cake”




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