The Monday Tilley Watch takes a glancing look at the art and artists of the latest issue of The New Yorker
The Cover: The Games Begin
The Cartoonists & Cartoons:
Eighteen cartoons, nineteen cartoonists (Millie von Platen has Spots). One duo, that we know of (the Spill counts duos as one cartoonist). No newbies. Nice to see a Sam Gross cartoon (Mr. Gross passed away last year). The longest active cartoonist in the issue is Roz Chast, whose first New Yorker drawing appeared in July of 1978.
Possibly a New Yorker cartoon first, courtesy of Bruce Eric Kaplan’s cartoon: the use of the F-bomb in a caption (if there was a previous use, someone please let me know).
Related: Here’s a fun 2012 piece, “Dropping The F-Bomb”by the wonderful Mary Norris .
This week’s Cartoon Caption Contest Cartoonist: Lynn Hsu
The Rea Irvin Talk Watch:
It was just seven years and two months ago that the above perfection by the late great Rea Irvin was replaced by a redrawn version upon the occasion of The New Yorker moving from midtown Manhattan to One World Trade Center. The new version included the One World Trade Center building. It should be noted that Mr. Irvin’s design did not include the building holding the offices of The New Yorker‘s longtime headquarters at 25 West 43rd Street (or the building housing the magazine’s first offices at 25 West 45th Street). Mr. Irvin’s odd little assortment of buildings left New York City to our imagination.