The Monday Tilley Watch takes a glancing look at the art and artists of the latest issue of The New Yorker
The Cover: What, no cat in the window, ala Sempe?
The Cartoonists and Cartoons:
Thirteen cartoons, thirteen cartoonists. One duo, that we know of (the Spill counts duos as one cartoonist). One newbie: Tom Reese, who is the 20th addition to the cartoonist colosseum this year, and the 164th cartoonist brought in since Emma Allen took the magazine’s cartoon editor reins in May of 2017. The longest active cartoonist in the issue is Roz Chast, whose first drawing appeared in July of 1978.
The Cartoon Caption Contest Cartoonist: Ali Solomon
The Rea Irvin Talk Watch:
Less than a dozen issues to go before we get to The New Yorker‘s 100th anniversary issue. The Spill continues to hope we”ll see Rea Ivin’s perfect design (shown here) return to The New Yorker. Mr. Irvin’s work was replaced by — gasp! — a redrawn version by a contemporary illustrator in the Spring of 2017. Read more.
Some New Yorker At The New York Historical
Was pleased and surprised upon walking into The New York Historical’s “Pets and the City” exhibit to find this mock newsstand featuring New Yorker covers — all featuring pets of course (the Thurberite in me couldn’t help but notice the lack of Thurber!) There are, however, two Barney Tobey drawings on the walls. Here’s one (the caption reads: “Oh, yes, I remember you now! Our dogs met last Sunday.”: