Wednesday Spill: Video Of Interest…National Cartoonists Society Panel With New Yorker Cartoon Editor, Emma Allen

Video Of Interest…National Cartoonists Society Panel With New Yorker Cartoon Editor, Emma Allen

Here’s an hour and twenty minute video of an NCS October 9, 2023 panel hosted by New Yorker cartoonist, Jason Chatfield. The panelists are Alex Garcia of King Features/ Comics Kingdom, and The New Yorker’s Cartoon Editor, Emma Allen. The panel’s topic: “How To Connect With Your Audience Online.”

Above: l-r, Jason Chatfield, Alex Garcia, and Emma Allen

Related: The subject of AI comes up during the panelist’s conversation. Here’s a New York Times piece published yesterday concentrating on AI’s impact on illustrators:  “What Happens To Illustrators When Robots Can Draw Robots?” 

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