The Cover: a sign o’ the times graduation piece by Anita Kunz. This is the tenth out the last eleven covers that is coronavirus-related. The Cartoonists: The Cartoons: An even dozen cartoons & cartoonists, with a thirteenth, Ed Steed, as this week’s Spot drawing artist. The newbie in the crowd, Oren Bernstein, is the sixth new New Yorker cartoonist of
Read moreTag: Mitra Farmand
The Tilley Watch Online; Photos from the Kovarsky Opening; “Not OK” Cartoonists in Westchester
Among the magazine’s Daily cartoons this week: Kim Warp’s weary winter weather drawing; Brendan Loper’s tweeter-in-chief cartoon; Lars Kenseth’s take on this week’s unusual White House media moment, and Peter Kuper’s Trumpian map of the world. Over on Daily Shouts, these were the contributing New Yorker cartoonists: Ellis Rosen and Liana Finck _______________________________________________________________________ Photos From the Kovarsky Opening at
Read moreEvent of Interest: Not OK: Great Cartoons That Weren’t Good Enough; Cartoon Companion’s Latest Ratings; Next Week’s New Yorker Cover Revealed
Event of Interest: Not OK: Great Cartoons That Weren’t Good Enough What fun! An exhibit of cartoons that did not make the cut at The New Yorker. Many of the contributing artists are newbies at the magazine, either in the print version and/or on the magazine’s website. “Not OK” refers to the two letters every New Yorker cartoonist (and every
Read moreWall-to-Wall Cartoonists at David Remnick’s Hello Goodbye Party
The New Yorker‘s editor, David Remnick threw a Hello Goodbye party last night (Hello, Emma Allen, the magazine’s new cartoon editor; Goodbye, Bob Mankoff, the former cartoon editor). It was, by far, the largest gathering of New Yorker cartoonists sinceĀ 1997, when forty-one gathered for an Arnold Newman group photo (it appeared in the magazine’s first cartoon issue, December 15,
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