Where did this Peter Arno drawing appear? Attempted Bloggery is looking for the answer. If it was in The New Yorker, it’s somehow eluded the magazine’s record-keepers. Read more here.
Cartoon Companion is back with a close and entertaining look at the cartoons appearing in the April 17, 2017 New Yorker. This issue contains, among others, two costumed characters, some apartment-hunting ants, a fashion savvy caveman, some duck-hunters, a couple of booze-themed drawings, and a Victorian selfie stick. Read all about them here.
Roz Chast is the poster gal for The 2017 National Book Festival. Read about it here.
(My thanks to Mike Rhode for bringing this to my attention).
From The National Lampoon, here’s a timely cartoon by that funny guy (and Snowman Expert) Bob Eckstein.
While idly paging through the August 28th 1971 issue of The New Yorker I came across a cartoonist I somehow missed when compiling the Spill‘s” New Yorker Cartoonists A-Z”: Ross Bateup. Mr. Bateup’s work appeared four times: August 8, 1971; October 16, 1971; November 4, 1972; May 19, 1973. Here’s a link to his biography.
Here’s his cartoon from the May 19, 1973 issue: