The Monday Tilley Watch takes a glancing look at the art and artists of the latest issue of The New Yorker The Cover: What, no cat in the window, ala Sempe? The Cartoonists and Cartoons: Thirteen cartoons, thirteen cartoonists. One duo, that we know of (the Spill counts duos as one cartoonist). One newbie: Tom Reese, who is the
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Tuesday Spill: Some Pocket-Size Paperbacks
Some Pocket-Size Paperbacks A few long ago published paperback cartoon collections from the Spill cartoon library. A pity that easily affordable pocket-sized cartoon collections have disappeared. A-Zs of the artists represented above: Al Ross
Read moreFriday Spill: Never Enough Steinberg & Sempe
Never Enough Steinberg And Sempe The pile of books above is within my line of sight from where I work. I realized today that the books almost arranged themselves this way. As each new Steinberg and Sempe title
Read moreWeekend Spill: Happy 94th, Edward Sorel!; The Tilley Watch Online, March 19-24, 2023; Edward Sorel’s “My Friend Jules Feiffer”; A New Yorker Cartoonist Visits The Sempe Exhibit
Happy 94th Birthday, Edward Sorel! All the best wishes for Edward Sorel, born this day in 1929. Mr. Sorel’s most recent book is his memoir, Profusely Illustrated, published last year. In his honor, I’m showing some of his other books, each and every one, a must-read. …and let’s not forget Sorel’s first New Yorker cover. It heralded the beginning
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