Friday Spill: An Evening Of Hilarity With New Yorker Cartoonists And Cartoons At The Society Of Illustrators


Above: the audience arrives.

Cartoonists and those who love cartoons showed up at The Society of Illustrators in Manhattan on Wednesday evening to hear a spirited and often hilarious panel discussion that included The New Yorker‘s cartoon editor, Emma Allen, the cartoonist, Roz Chast, and the cartoonist, Liza Donnelly (Ms. Donnelly, moderated).

Above: l-r, Roz Chast, Emma Allen, and Liza Donnelly. A Helen Hokinson drawing is on the screen.

The panel was tied-in with the exhibit, “From Lines To Laughs: Women+ On Men”  currently running at the Society (Ms. Donnelly curated the show). A few of the pieces in the exhibit are shown below (gallery photos courtesy of Stephen Nadler of Attempted Bloggery).

Top left, part 1 of a two page color piece by Bishakh Som, a Barbara Shermund drawing, and below those, a drawing by Emily Flake (the Flake drawing, shown during the panel discussion, drew a ton of laughs).

Among The New Yorker cartoonists in the crowd, were a number whose whose work appears in the exhibit. Those cartoonists are shown below (photo courtesy of Stephen Nadler):

l-r: Emily Flake, Roz Chast, Ellie Black, Elisabeth McNair (all the way up from Atlanta!), Hilary Campbell, Maggie Larson, Ali Solomon, Liza Donnelly

This same group lined up in the “Lines To Laughs” gallery space (photo courtesy of The Society of Illustrators). From near to far: Hilary Campbell, Emily Flake, Elisabeth McNair, Maggie Larson, Ali Solomon, Ellie Black, Roz Chast, and Liza Donnelly.

Below: a drawing by Emily Flake’s daughter, Tug, made during the panel discussion. Ms. Donnelly, upon seeing the drawing, said it was, “a highlight of the evening.” (My thanks to Tug for allowing her drawing to be shown here).

“From Lines To Laughs: Women+ On Men” runs through March 2nd, 2024 at The Society of Illustrators, 128 East 63rd St, New York. 






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